Most job-seekers are not proactive in establishing and building their career brand, letting their actions speak for them when seeking promotions or new jobs. But why not take the time to master some very basic tactics that can help build your career brand and make you a much more attractive employee or job-seeker? Remember, if you don’t brand yourself, others will for you. And while you may be happy and secure in your job now, you really never know when that will change.
Five easy tactics are given below for building and strengthening your career brand.
Gain Experience/Track Accomplishments
Building your brand begins with tracking your past accomplishments and gaining strategically important new experiences. Your accomplishments are the foundation of your career brand. But before you seek out new work, take the time to plan and focus on what you want your brand to stand for -- and develop a strategy for gaining experience in areas of your brand in which you are weak.
So, besides doing your job, ask for new and challenging assignments that will build your brand. Consider freelancing or consulting. Use volunteering to gain experience. If you’re a student, seek out multiple internships.............more
Resume development and Interview preparation :
The resume is primarily a marketing tool designed to interest a potential employer in your qualifications and skills. The resume is your advertisement and "selling piece" to persuade an employer to interview you. It is a summary of your experiences, not your full-length biography.
A comprehensive guidance to Resume format, Cover letter, Interview preparation, Language proficiency and your dream job are formatted by expert team, which can help the job seekers in many ways.
Click on the links below for details:
Resume Writing Guide Writing a Strong Cover Letter Interview Preparation Language Proficiency Training & Skills Get Your Dream Job
How to get your dream job ?
What constitutes a dream job varies from one person to another, but if you ask them, most people have an idea of what their own dream job would be. What is yours? Do you dream of working with something particular, at a particular company or maybe abroad?
We are convinced that everyone can obtain the job of their dreams. However, there is tough competition in the labour market and both time and effort are needed to ensure you're able to achieve your goals. Not least of all, it is a requirement that you have the right tools for your job search. We have therefore compiled some information to help you, which we believe can assist you in the quest for your dream job.
Before you start your job search, you should plan the process and give some thought to what you can do and the direction in which you are heading. Is that the direction you want to go?
The next step is to produce your application documents. You will of course write a C.V that does you justice, and a personal letter that captures the recruiter's attention. Most people are a little bit nervous about attending a job interview. What should you think about before, during and after an interview ?
If you plan confidently , no doubt that you will increase your chances of finding the job that you dream.......more