Travelling abroad for Treatment.
It’s important to know the risks if you are thinking of travelling abroad for medical treatment. Standards of medical facilities in all countries and costs involved thereof may not be the same. And in some countries there may be a risk of transmission of HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C during medical procedures.
Before you start for destination.
Discuss pre-existing conditions with your doctor. Check the airline will allow you to travel. And consider the impact long distance travel will have on your health. You must find out as much information as possible about the hospital and treatment therein before you make a decision to go abroad for treatment, which should include :-
- Reputation of the Hospital.
- Mortality rates
- success rates of the surgeon/doctor who will carry out your operation / treatment
- Infection rates in that Hospital.
- Arrangements for follow up care.
- Additional medical or emergency treatment in case of complications.
- Medicines and dressings.
- An extended stay for any friends or family accompanying you.
- Correctional treatment, if required.
- Follow-up treatment that is required next.